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FREE Shipping On Orders Of $49 Or More

We use UPS or SpeeDee Delivery for 1-3 day Ground Service delivery to your door. We use USPS SurePost to ship to a PO Box.

Ground Service is a standard $8 shipping charge on all orders with a subtotal below $49. Orders with a subtotal of $49 or more receive free shipping. This pricing applies to shipments within the contiguous United States only.

We offer UPS expedited shipping (3rd Day Select, 2nd Day Air, and Next Day Air) for an extra fee.

NutriDyn Internet Policy

Effective Dates

January 1st, 2018 - until further notice.
Effective January 1st, 2018 NutriDyn reserves the right to stop shipping product to any customer violating this Internet Policy.

Affected Customers

U.S. customers
Customers with Web sites selling to U.S. end-users

Suggested Retail Pricing

The Suggested Retail Pricing Policy of NutriDyn Midwest, Inc. is for all of its customers selling its professional lines of products online to sell such products at or above the suggested retail prices. Any advertisements, discounts, rewards programs, coupons, special offers, sales, promotions, etc. must explicitly state "Not valid on NutriDyn or TonicSea products" and products must checkout at or above suggested retail pricing. Private patients being treated by the practitioner may be given a private patient code to be entered upon checkout to replicate the discount provided to patients in the practitioner's office. This code must not be provided to any customer via broadcast email, must not be shown on the website, and must not be made available to anyone other than the practitioner's private patients. Reference upon checkout may only be as "patient code"; i.e., any word implying a discount, special, sale, coupon, etc. may not be used.
If a practitioner is found to have emailed the code to an email database that includes customers other than private patients, the option to discount to private patients via an online website will be revoked. Continued or repeated violations will result in account termination.
NutriDyn neither seeks nor will accept any assurances from any customer that it will not deviate from this Suggested Retail Pricing Policy. The suggested retail prices set forth are unilaterally set by NutriDyn and are not open to discussion or negotiation with any of its customers.
NutriDyn reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is affiliated with a website that violates this Suggested Retail Pricing Policy. Any reference or inference, whether in-office or online at all, to discounts, price reductions, special call-in pricing, coupons, price-matching policies, or any other special promotion or offer on NutriDyn or TonicSea products will be deemed to be violations of this policy and grounds for immediate suspension of affiliated Customer’s account(s).

Third-Party Sites

NutriDyn’s’ policy is for all of its Customers selling NutriDyn products on-line to sell only on Customer-owned or NutriDyn-hosted E-Commerce websites (NutriDyn Connect Pro). NutriDyn does not authorize or permit sales of its professional lines of products on third-party websites (such as, eBay, and similar sites). NutriDyn reserves the right to not sell or supply products to any Customer who sells NutriDyn products on third-party websites. NutriDyn will pursue the removal of unauthorized listings on thirdparty sites. NutriDyn expects Customers selling NutriDyn products to cooperate with requests related to third-party sites and investigatory inquiries.
NutriDyn will not sell or supply any products to any customer that is found to be selling NutriDyn products on third-party-facilitated sites.


NutriDyn reserves the right not to sell or supply any products to any customer that is found to be discountingany of NutriDyn’s professional lines of products on third-party-facilitated sites.

Use of Trademarks

Customer shall not have the right to affix any of the Trademarks to any product or other material conveyed to anyone other than via the Internet in the manner described in this Policy. Customer agrees to use the symbols ™, ®, and ©, as appropriate, when displaying the Trademarks, which is intended to indicate NutriDyn ownership of the Trademarks and shall not be construed as a claim to ownership by Customer. A statement must accompany Customer's use of the Trademarks substantially as follows: "[Insert the trademark(s)] are trademarks of NutriDyn, Inc., and are used with permission." Customer must also include on all pages that reflect NutriDyn or TonicSea products on Customer's website a statement substantially as follows: "This site is not owned or operated by NutriDyn, Inc."
Any use of the Trademarks by Customer in accordance with this Policy shall inure to the benefit of NutriDyn. The Trademarks are solely and exclusively the property of NutriDyn. Customer shall not have any ownership right, title, or interest, expressed or implied, in the Trademarks. Customer shall not use the Trademarks except in a form, context, and location that are acceptable to NutriDyn. NutriDyn may review Customer's website at any time and reserves the right to require Customer to make changes to it based upon use of any intellectual property owned or controlled by NutriDyn, even if NutriDyn has previously approved or accepted Customer's website or the material displayed thereon. NutriDyn may require Customer to make changes to Customer's website at any time to the extent Customer is using the Trademarks in a manner that violates applicable FDA or FTC regulations, any other applicable laws or regulations, or NutriDyn policies.
Customer may not use NutriDyn or TonicSea products names, trademarks, or copyrights as part of a URL (Universal Resource Locator), secondary level domain name, meta-tags, keywords, or file names without written permission from NutriDyn.

Private Label Customers

This policy is not intended to replace or supersede the NutriDyn Private Label Agreement.

Disease Claims

Disease claims are not permitted in reference to NutriDyn dietary supplement or functional food products. Only claims that appear on the NutriDyn product label or online catalog may be used in reference to our products on your website. Medical foods may be associated only with the approved disease claims that appear on the product label and online catalog. NutriDyn may review Customer's website at any time and reserves the right to require Customer to make changes to it based upon use of any intellectual property owned or controlled by NutriDyn in association with any disease claims, even if NutriDyn has previously approved or accepted Customer's website or the material displayed thereon. NutriDyn may require Customer to make changes to Customer's website at any time to the extent Customer is using the Trademarks in a manner that violates applicable FDA or FTC regulations, any other applicable laws or regulations, or NutriDyn policies.


The NutriDyn or TonicSea logo may be used only in the special form supplied by NutriDyn for use on the Internet; neither the file name nor the name of the image may be changed or modified from the original form supplied by NutriDyn. It may be accompanied by a statement indicating, "I (We) proudly offer [insert NutriDyn or TonicSea Company Logo] products." No other statements may be affiliated with use of the logo.


NutriDyn may, in its sole discretion, revise or eliminate this Policy at any time. NutriDyn may also terminate Customer's non-exclusive, limited license to use the Trademarks at any time in its sole discretion upon written notice.
Any failure or delay by NutriDyn in enforcing any provisions of this Policy or any of NutriDyn rights in any of the Trademarks shall in no way be considered a waiver of such provisions or rights and shall in no way prevent NutriDyn from enforcing the same at a later date.

Violations of Policy

Customers who violate this Policy will receive notice from NutriDyn that they are in violation of the Policy. If a Customer fails to bring the Customer's website into compliance, NutriDyn may de-activate the Customer's account, and the Customer will no longer be able to purchase NutriDyn products. In addition, the Customer will be required to immediately cease all use of NutriDyn trademarks and copyrighted materials on the Customer's website and on the Internet. Customers who correct their websites to comply with this Policy should promptly notify NutriDyn. NutriDyn then will review the Customer's website. If NutriDyn determines that the Customer has brought his or her website into compliance, the Customer's account may be re-activated. NutriDyn has adopted a zero-tolerance approach regarding enforcement of this Policy. Once a Customer has fallen out of compliance with this Policy and has received a notice from NutriDyn, in the event of any subsequent violation, NutriDyn reserves the right to immediately terminate the Customer's account.

Return Policy

1. Before returning any products, please call our Customer Service Department within 60 days of purchase for Preauthorization. You can reach us at 800.444.9998 or by email at . Products will not be approved for return after 60 days.

2. Items will be inspected. Products must be unopened in clean condition with the seals intact and the dating legible. Please, no marker, ink, glue, scratches, tears, or dents. NOTE: If additional cleaning must be performed on bottles, a 10% restocking fee may be applied.

3. No returns are accepted for refrigerated items such as probiotics.

4. Please pack items carefully with sufficient cushioning. Credit cannot be issued for items broken or damaged during transit.

5. Product(s) must be returned within 14 days after the Return Authorization was created. If the product(s) are not returned within the allotted time, your RA file will be closed.

6. Your box can be shipped back via ground service such as UPS, or it can be mailed at your local Post Office. If mailed, you must include our PO Box 219 in the address to ensure delivery. For ground service, the street address is sufficient.

Please send Preauthorized products to:
Attn: Customer Returns
5414 Hwy 12
PO Box 219
Maple Plain, MN 55359

Damage Claims or Shipment Errors:

Please inspect your order upon arrival and call our Customer Service Department within 10 business days to report any breakage, defective or incorrect items, over-shipments, or shortages. We will correct the problem as quickly as possible.

NOTE: Any backordered item will be indicated on the Packing Slip.

We appreciate and thank you for your continued patronage, and we will always do our best to provide helpful, personal service.

International Shipping Policy

International Shipping Terms & Conditions
We ship international orders Monday – Friday from 8:30am to 2:00pm. Please note that holidays may delay your package being shipped out of our Minnesota facility. The shipment methods we use are UPS Worldwide Express (where available), and UPS Worldwide Expedited. We reserve the right to change the order to the best shipment method for your order at our discretion. 

  • Rates are based on total weight and destination. Shipping rates may be subject to price change at any time. UPS Worldwide Express typically arrives at destination country between 1-10 business days but has limited availability. UPS Worldwide Express arrives in destination country between 5-15 business days. ***Customs clearance still applies once it reaches destination country, duties and taxes need to be paid quickly for package to arrive on time***
  • Some products may not be shipped to certain destinations because of restrictions in that country. Please note: We do our best to only ship approved items, it is your responsibility to determine if your package will be accepted by your country.
  • Once an order has shipped from our facility, it cannot be cancelled and returned to us. If you would like to return your order, please see our Return Policy.
  • If ordering to certain areas or in larger quantities, your local Customs may require import licenses and/or other documentation. It is your responsibility to provide that to them.
  • There may be duties, taxes, or other charges required for your package at Customs. You are responsible for all charges related to the shipment of your package. If you refuse your package, you will be responsible for any fees related to the return or abandonment of that package.

Backorders & Refrigerated Items

  • In the unlikely event that any items in your order are unavailable for immediate delivery, we will contact you by email to make you aware of this issue. 
  • We do not ship backorders internationally. The product will have to be reordered later when the product is available, additional fees may apply.
  • We do not ship products that require refrigeration internationally. 

Unclaimed Packages and Confiscated Packages
If a package is returned by Customs, it is still subject to inspection, and you are responsible for all fees to return product. The reasons Customs returns packages include, but are not limited to:

  • Package unclaimed by customer
  • Delivery refused or cancelled by customer after it has shipped.
  • Customer unable or unwilling to pay Customs fees and taxes.
  • Receiver needs importer license or other documentation.
  • Package is rejected by Customs. Whether it is returned or destroyed is determined by the Customs office in the destination country.
  • Package is confiscated by Customs for any reason.
  • Any other reason.

The conditions during transit when a package is returned to us cannot be known, and therefore the product will be subjected to inspection and an approval process before being restocked or credited. Please choose your products carefully and read all available information on the website, including the list of ingredients and any precautions.It is your responsibility to determine if your package will be accepted by the destination country. We will help you as much as we can, but we have no control over what happens with your Customs or delivery service.

Once a package leaves our facility with an international destination, we can no longer be held responsible if something happens to it. If Customs opens your package and confiscates or misplaces merchandise, or anything else of that nature, we will not be held accountable for any loss incurred.

If your package is returned to our facility and you request us to resend the exact box that was returned to us, we will do so; but we need to collect an amount from you to cover the transit costs to reship. Any cost billed to NutriDyn by the delivery service for the return of the package will be charged back to you.

Packages not claimed at the consignee’s international post office or Customs and later returned to our facility are subject to the same Return Policy guidelines as any other package. Such a return can take 30 days to over a year to be received by our returns department. Due to this possible long return process by the Customs department, we will refund only for the items that qualify, based on our current Return Policy guidelines.

**We also reserve the right to declare the package abandoned. If this occurs, your package will not be refunded to you as the destination country does not return the package. This can happen when the cost of the return shipping is more than the package is worth, or you do not answer our emailed requests about your package.

Waiting for arrival of your package

    • If a valid email address is provided you will receive an email from us with your tracking number. If you have questions about tracking your package, please call Customer Service. 
    • We do not guarantee date of delivery on international packages.
    • Customs can hold packages for an unspecified amount of time without updating the shipper or receiver on the location of the package.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my package arrives and some or all items are damaged or missing?

Please contact Customer Service by email –– within 10 business days. Please provide proof of the damage, such as a .PDF attachment of a photo of the damaged items. We will also require your sales order number. We will not send out replacement product for an item missing or damaged. We will, however, issue credit for all items that qualify.

What if there’s a problem with an order that I asked NutriDyn to send to a stateside forwarding company who, in turn, shipped internationally?

We cannot replace missing or damaged items forwarded to and received by you from a 2nd-party shipping company. The reason for this is most forwarding companies open and repackage items for reshipment. Because we are not the company directly shipping to you at the international destination, we cannot be sure it was our error. If your 2nd-party shipper finds a problem with your order before reshipment to you, they can contact NutriDyn Customer Service upon receipt of the package so that we can resolve the issue.

If my package is returned by me or Customs for any reason, how will I know when it is received and refunded?

If you have a valid email address, you will receive email communication. The first email is the Return Authorization, which tells you what qualifies for return and how much your credit will be. The second email will be your Credit Memo and this email tells you that we have credited your order, applying the refund to your credit card.

I have not received my package yet. What can I do?

When we ship an international order, we are at the mercy of the destination country’s postal system and Customs as to how quickly a package is delivered. Most packages arrive in a reasonable time, but some can be held up in Customs for a lengthy and unspecified amount of time (approximately 6-10 weeks). If Customs has the package, there is nothing we can do to expedite the Customs process. Please give your package ample amount of time to clear Customs. If you are still worried about the delay in your package, please call Customer Service and we will do our best to determine the current location of your package. If the package is currently in Customs, we will give you the tracking number for the order, so you can contact your local post office to request more information about your package.

I believe my package is lost and I want a replacement sent right away. What do we do?

Many times, when you think a package is lost, it is continuing to be held in Customs or by your local post office. However, the tracking doesn’t reflect that. Usually, a package is delivered before any claims process can be completed. The claims process can be started 15 days after UPS shows delivery of the package to the destination country’s Customs office. We cannot send a no-charge replacement or issue credit until the claim process has been completed. Claim investigations take anywhere from 15-30 working days to complete and may be escalated further if a package is not found within that timeframe. Once the claim is completed, we will contact you with the findings of the investigation.

What happens if Customs delays, holds, or confiscates my products?

Because each country has different restrictions and procedures for products, we encourage you to contact your local Customs office for details and questions. It is your responsibility to determine if your package will be accepted by your country.

For packages returned to us due to Custom holds, refusal, unclaimed, or non-delivery issues, we will refund the full cost of the undamaged item minus shipping cost, as well as any fees billed to us for the return of your package. If Customs confiscates an ineligible item, we will not refund or credit for that item.

I do not want to pay these fees, what can I do?

Unfortunately, once an order has shipped it cannot be cancelled. You will have to pay those fees to accept your package. If you do not pay those fees, we will have Customs declare your order abandoned and be unable to refund you for that package.

How to I cancel my order after it ships?

We cannot cancel an order once it ships. If you would like to return the item, you will have to first accept your package and pay the fees. You can then view our Return Policy with questions about returning orders.

*Arrival at the final destination address within the country is dependent on Customs clearance. For fast Customs service, see note below about UPS My Choice.

**Signup for UPS MyChoice to receive package updates, pay your Customs fees online, and other great benefits:

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how NutriDyn uses and protects any information that you give NutriDyn when you use this website. NutriDyn is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. NutriDyn may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.

What we collect

We may collect the following information:

  • name
  • contact information including email address
  • demographic information such as postcode, preferences and interests
  • other information relevant to customer surveys and/or offers

What we do with the information we gather

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

  • Internal record keeping.
  • We may use the information to improve our products and services.
  • We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the email address which you have provided.
  • We may use the information to customize the website according to your interests.

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added, and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.